Here are our top three ways to start saving smarter!
Cut Cost by Cutting Space
Going out to eat can be a strain on your budget, but may not be the only thing you need to consider reducing. Downsizing from one home to a home with one less room can reduce your rent significantly. Not interested in relocating? Consider a roommate. Nobody ever uses the guest bedroom anyway, right? However you decide to reduce your space, remember it will increase your budget!
Make it Automatic
Having trouble finding the strength to put money aside? Then don’t even think about it. Ask your payroll department if you can set up an automatic transfer of a percentage from your pay check to be deposited into a savings account. Out of sight may really be out of mind but it will add up over time. Starting small is the best way to go!
Fight the Urge to Splurge
It is always nice to get that big check during tax season, especially with average return rates expected to rise nearly $3,300 by 2016. However, fighting the urge to spend it all can be torture! But if you can manage to not give in, and deposit it into your savings, it might just be your best move yet!