DiSC Profiles are used in almost every industry from Fortune 500 companies to Paper Salesmen. Understanding DiSC will help you achieve more and be...

Do you wake up every morning dreading going into work? An average person who works a full-time job from the age of 20-65 will have worked a total of ...

In Texas, the real estate market remains strong despite the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Hurricane Harvey was the first major hurricane to make...

The Real Estate market is on the rise, especially in Texas. People from outside the state are finding out why we love Texas so much. Our secret is...
How do you prepare to get your real estate license? Why are you entering the real estate business? Have you decided in which geographic area you will...
I’ve seen the movie “A Beautiful Mind” once. The movie is based on the unauthorized biography of Nobel Prize-winning economist and mathematician John...
I was taught in school to not make mistakes. My teachers would always count my incorrect answers, compare them to my correctly memorized answers and...
What gets results? Intention & focus. High Intention & Laser Focus. What do lasers do? Blind people. THAT’S FOCUS.

As you have probably seen on our social media we have partnered with the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes (The Coalition, CSAH) this year to help...